Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns!

Another option for Ball Cleaning is to take them to your local pool hall. Most pool halls have a large, professional ball cleaner that cleans and polishes them. The fees for this vary from eat lunch here to about $15.00.

How to properly remove a cat from
your pool table
This is why you cover your pool table when it is not in use. However if you do happen to find your pet on your table there are a couple things to remember that can help ensure that you don’t cause them to damage the felt. First – Although your first instinct, since you did pay good money for your table, will be to get angry and yell at your pet…DON’T. Pets, especially cats really don’t like surprises and by yelling at them you may cause them to startle, dig in with the rear claws and run. Really not what you want. STAY CALM. Say your pets name calmly and get their attention. Approach slowly and pet them, gain their trust. Then pick them up as you normally would. Crisis averted. Your particular method of discipline at this point is up to you but we suggest covering your table first.